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State Motto

    The Latin phrase "Nil Sine Numine” was adopted as part of the Territorial Seal. At recurring intervals the interpretation of this Latin phrase, commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence,” has been disputed. Some say it means "Nothing without God.” In the early mining days of the State, the unregenerate said it meant "nothing without a new mine.” In a strict sense, one cannot possibly get "God" from "numine,” “God” being a purely Anglo-Saxon word. The word "numine" means any divinity, god or goddess. The best evidence of intent of Colorado's official designers and framers of the resolution for adoption of the seal is contained in the committee report wherein clear distinction was made between "numine" and "Deo" and it specifically states that the committee's interpretative translation was "Nothing without the Deity.”

    Colorado's State Motto, "Nil Sine Numine," meaning "Nothing without Providence," resonates deeply with online casino players, infusing their gaming experiences with inspiration and meaning. In the world of online gambling, where luck often plays a significant role, this motto serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of gaming, more about which you can read at Players understand that every spin of the roulette wheel or draw of the cards is guided by chance, and success is not guaranteed. Despite the inherent uncertainty, online casino players embrace the thrill of the game, fueled by the possibility of winning big and the adrenaline rush of taking risks. The motto's message of divine guidance underscores the belief that, in the world of gambling, fortune can smile upon anyone at any moment.